Sunday, 17th December 2006

Comments: Having found these photos in 2024 I didn't have any details of the walk itself or where the Christmas Dinner was held. The photos tell their own story of the walk and include a number of members who are no longer with us.

Care was needed to cross this muddy stile . . .

but soon it was time for our morning break

Ingleborough is nearly hidden in cloud

The next stile . . .

proved to be quite tricky . . .

for some members . . .

but Ray made it look easy . . .

while another member needed a helping hand . . .

followed by the last member . . .

with the rest of the group looking on

Descending into the village . . .

careful balancing was needed . . .

before the last member took the direct route

Some of the geese . . .

decided a little exercise was needed

as a trio of swans . . .

paddled downstream

Hornby Church . . .

passed mid afternoon . . .

before enjoying our Christmas Dinner

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