Wednesday, 17th December 2008


Walk: Scorton, Nicky Nook, Fell End Farm, Moor Farm, Burns Farm, Slean End
Start Point: Roadside in Scorton Grid Ref: SD 501 487
Distance: 7.7 miles Ascent: 1,500 feet
Weather: A dry day with some sun and a cold breeze
Accompanied by:


Comments: From the summit of Nicky Nook we took the path north-east to Fell End. Continuing on to Grizedale Bridge we found a useful bench - in good time for a coffee break. A little road walking was then needed before taking the path to Barnacre Moor and down to Burns Farm. It was then an easy walk past the covered reservoir and through Pedder's Wood before arriving back in Scorton.


Scroll down to see photos of the walk

Posing at the Nicky Nook trig point . . .


and again


Unusually coloured goats . . .


enjoying their lunch


Well, that's one place to put a waymarker!


Marie gets ready to continue the walk - I think she's feeling a bit cold!

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