Wednesday, 24th July 2013


Walk: River Dunsop, Beatrix, Laythams, Dunsop Head, Whitendale, Brennand Valley, Closes Farm
Start Point: Lay-by near Langden Brook Grid Ref: SD 646 505
Distance: 12 miles Ascent: 1,840 feet
Weather: Overcast but warm Time: 5 hours
Comments: Arriving at Dunsop Bridge I was disappointed to find that the car park is now Pay and Display so I parked beside Langden Brook (£6 being the charge for over 4 hours). After cutting across to the Dunsop Valley via Closes Farm, I crossed the River Dunsop to navigate across the fields to Laythams Farm B & B. Soon turning off the road I made my way past Burn Side and onto the open fell to reach Dunsop Head. A clear path led across to Whitendale from where I climbed onto the shoulder of Middle Knoll. The intermittent path turned to farm track as I approached Brennand Farm then a tarmac stretch accompanied the River Dunsop back down the valley to meet my outward route at Closes Farm.

Scroll down to see photos of the walk

Beatrix Fell from Closes Farm


A ramp as well as steps . . .


makes the bridge over the River Dunsop easily accessible


Oxenhurst Clough


A waymarker shows the way through the woodland


Laythams Farm B & B


An unexpected sight on the way to Burn Side


Dunsop Brook, on the way to . . .


Dunsop Head


Whitendale - my onward route can be seen to the left of the trees


Haymaking - in the field in the centre of the photo


A rather dry tarn on the shoulder of Middle Knoll


A bridge at the meeting of the Brennand and Whitendale valleys


River Dunsop - the perfect place for lunch

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