Thursday, 24th July 2014

Walk: Patterdale, Arnison Crag, Trough Head, Birks, St Sunday Crag, Cofa Pike, Fairfield, Hart Crag, Hartsop Above How
Start Point: Cow Bridge car park Grid Reference: NY 402 133
Distance: 12 miles Ascent: 4,270 feet
Time: 7.75 hours
Weather: Sunny and very hot with a refreshing cool breeze on the higher fells

It was very hot climbing up to Arnison Crag but there were great views of Ullswater from the summit. The path to Trough Head was difficult to follow in the tall bracken. A long steep ascent led up to Birks followed by some easier walking before climbing to St Sunday Crag. The final climb to Cofa Pike is scrambly in places but not exposed and the summit made a good spot for a break. It was then quite an easy path that initially headed south-west before turning south-east to reach the summit. From there I paid a quick visit to Hart Crag before finding the cairn that signalled the descent to Hartsop Above How. After leaving the high fells behind a gradual descent took me down to the road and back to the car.

A better starting point would be the layby near the telephone box on the main road into Patterdale - just at the point where the path reaches the road.

There are good views of Ullswater . . .

as I climb to . . .

Arnison Crag . . .

taken in the opposite direction . . .

and one last one

From above Trough Head Ullswater is framed by the hills

A well earned rest on Birks

Ullswater again from . . .

St Sunday Crag . . .

and again with the Helvellyn range behind

Grisedale Tarn as I leave St Sunday Crag . . .

to reach Cofa Pike . . .

with views back to St Sunday Crag . . .

and on to Fairfield

The two paths available can be clearly seen . . .

and a last view of Grisedale Tarn

The Helvellyn range as I stop for lunch on Cofa Pike

The shelter . . .

and the cairn on Fairfield

The shelter and cairn - which are actually at exactly the same altitude

One for the 'album' on Fairfield

A quick visit to Hart Crag . . .

seen again from a different angle

Two sheep survey the scenery . . .

from a precarious vantage point

Hartsop Above How . . .

not a very exciting summit - but the last of the day

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