Cathedral Peak to Cavernberg Resort

Monday, 12th April 2010


A leisurely start to the day preceded the transfer from Cathedral peak Hotel to the Cavernberg Resort. An early morning walk caught the sun on Baboon rock and other views. After breakfast, with time to spare before our 10.30am departure, I decided to explore the path leading to the trout farm.  I was rewarded with some good photos of a butterfly that had been rather elusive earlier in the week.  The Cavernberg Resort might not have been quite as upmarket as Cathedral Peak but it had its own character and attractions. After lunch I walked to the Grotto with Sheila and Edwin and arrived back in time for tea and biscuits before a relaxed evening and enjoyable dinner.

The sun highlights the head on Baboon Rock . . .


and casts long shadows in this view of the chapel . . .


and from behind the chapel a last view of Cathedral Peak, The Bell and the Inner and Outer Horns


An ibis looks for its breakfast


The early morning light casts shadows . . .


over the hills . . . 


The dining room where we enjoyed many delicious meals


Yet another view of Cathedral Peak as I take the path to the trout farm . . .


and spot an elusive butterfly . . .


that is content to sit in the sun . . .


while a take numerous shots


Walking back past the chapel . . .


I decide to take some shots inside . . .


and enjoy variety of wood used in its construction


Time to cut the grass!


Is it still breakfast time?


Well, it was just too lovely to miss


On the journey . . .


you can just see people on the rock, right of centre, doing their washing


Habitation varies from small clusters . . .


to larger settlements


Some homes seem to be of better construction . . .


and schools of this size are few and far between  . . .


But we only saw one herd of cows on the way


The rooms at cavernberg Resort have their own distinctive style . . .


but the swimming pool isn't quite as inviting


Dams are situated above the hotel . . .


and nearby is a Grotto . . .


where you have to navigate . . . 


round the waterfall . . .


to get a closer view

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