Sunday, 12th January 2025

Walk: Tan Yard Lane, Tootle Height and return, Tan Yard Lane, Blackburn Road, access road and return
Start Point: Home    
Distance: 2 miles Ascent: 154 feet
Time: 1 hour
Weather: Still some snow on the ground and quite cold
Comments: Roads were clear but the footpaths were still icy in places so I decided on another walk across the fields - which Luna loves.

Across the fields above Spade Mill Reservoirs where there's much less snow than previously

But you still have to watch out for ice

An industrial access road (public footpath) provides an easy stretch, and no vehicles on a Sunday

The sheep enjoy the grass beyond the road

The sign must be a recent addition - the stile is hidden in the bushes. I've been here many times . . .

and there's usually a large very muddy patch - but ice today!!

Thankfully I'm heading back along the access road

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